This article was originally published as dated below. It has been reedited for computer transmission as of 4/22/95. No substantial factual changes have been made from the original except to correct minor errors.

A Monthly Publication


It is the editorial intention for this monthly report to involve people in a lucid and technically competent discussion of UFO phenomenon. These reports will discuss the history of the phenomenon, UFO flight characteristics, the occupants, UFO physical effects, their propulsion methods, the technological and theoretical implications, and the social and spiritual implications of the phenomenon.
Gary Wade ( Editor )

There are many accounts in UFO literature of alien beings using beams of light to attract things, hit people, stun people, and injure people. Here are some examples: 1) UFO Tractor Beams _ At approximately 11 P.M. on October 18, 1973, an Army helicopter with four crew - men aboard had a near collision with a 60 foot long cigar - shaped UFO. The incident occurred about halfway between Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio, at an elevation of 1700 feet. The UFO, which had been traveling at around 600 knots, stopped above the helicopter and shined a high intensity green light onto the helicopter. As the green light shown on the copter, the copter climbed with the UFO to a elevation of over 3,800 feet at a climb rate of about 1,000 feet per minute. This is despite the fact that the copter pilot was trying to descend. The crew reported that the green light had a pyramid shape with the UFO at the pyramid apex ( source ). This pyramid shape is what would be expected from a light beam which was being rapidly scanned back and forth in stepped parallel scans, similar to the way an electron beam is scanned for TV picture formation.
In the TECHNICAL CORNER section is an explanation of how two plane polarized, phase locked laser beams can be made to intersect to form an interference pattern. This interference pattern can interact with the surface of certain types of material in such a way as to have the surface drawn back toward the "average" direction of the source of the beams.
2) UFO Repulsive Beams _ On March 19, 1968, a beam of light emanating from a UFO knocked Gregory Wells of Wilson, Ohio, to the ground as he was getting a bucket of water. The light beam set fire to his jacket and a circle of surrounding grass. He suffered minor arm burns.
Again the interference pattern of two phase - locked plane polarized laser beams can produce this repulsive effect. However, the beam intensities must be pulsed in the form of very steeply ramped downward intensity profiles.
3) UFO Death Ray _ In 1946 near Sao Paulo, Brazil, farmer Joao Prestes Filho startled two small humanoid creatures in a sugar cane field. They were apparently taking plant and soil samples. The creatures escaped off through the sugar cane. Shortly thereafter a UFO rose up out of the cane field and flew over Prestes. As the UFO flew over, it emitted a beam of light which stunned and knocked Prestes to the ground, unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness, he made his way to his sister's home. Prestes related his story to his sister and numerous friends and neighbors. Prestes showed no trace whatever of any burns upon regaining consciousness. However, within hours he deteriorated and literally became unglued.
". . . Prestes insides began to show, and the flesh started to look as though it had been cooked for many hours in boiling water. The flesh began to come away from the bones, falling in lumps . . . Some scraps of flesh remained hanging to the tendons . . . Soon every part of Prestes had reached a state of deterioration beyond imagination. His teeth and his bones now stood revealed, utterly bare of flesh . . . Now his nose and ears fell off, sliding down his body onto the floor . . . "1
Six hours after Prestes had been struck by the beam of light, he was dead. A possible explanation for Prestes rapid and near complete deterioration of flesh regions exposed to the light beam comes from the high intensity ultra sonic sound generated by the repulsion light beam. If the intensity of the ultra sonic sound generated is high enough and also is at a frequency which has a wavelength in the flesh that matches a mechanical resonant wavelength of cell lyasomes, lyasome damage or rupturing can occur along with damage to other cell organelles. If enough lyasome damage occurs, the cells will die and lyasome enzyme reactions will turn the tissue into mush.
What is not known is whether the aliens intended to kill him or just abuse and frighten him. I suspect the former. If this be so, what good ( ? ) things do they want to do with the information they gain from the plant and soil samples? Remember, If they killed a man for being a witness to their activities, they are probably up to no good. But do keep in mind that we are visited regularly by dozens of alien civilizations and the great majority mean us no harm, only good.

Have you ever been to your future in your dreams? I have. It is chilling to hear a news report of what is witnessed in a dream. And it is sort of scary to suddenly walk into a time and situation that you already experienced in a dream. I would like to share with you three of my dreams of the future that have come to pass. The first two dreams happened on the same night some twelve or so years ago. The first dream was about a great storm in the North Pacific Ocean. I found myself, or I should say my mind, hovering above a turbulent, violently wind - whipped sea at night. I watched a giant wave form and I followed it. Shortly the wave approached the coast. The wave went right over a breakwater, which was protecting a small harbor with fishing boats tied up to a pier. The wave slammed the boats into the pier, sinking the boats and wrecking the pier. The wave continued up the shore and entered the small surrounding town, knocking down a small water tower and flooding the to about three feet of water. This dream came true the night I dreamt it.
The second dream was about an air disaster. I found myself in the aisle at the tail section of a jet airliner. I somehow knew that we were flying east over the Caspian Sea. My attention was drawn to a stewardess who was serving refreshments at the front end of the plane. My mind went to her location and I watched her do her job. Then I heard a noise and saw the "Fasten Your Seat Belt" sign come on. This was immediately followed by the captain announcing that we were entering clear air turbulence and would everybody please sit down and fasten their seat belts. I watched the stewardess quickly stow her cart and take a window seat at the far right end of the plane. Immediately after she fastened her seat belt, an explosion occurred directly in front of her and to her left in the baggage compartment below. I watched the explosion occur in ultra slow motion. I saw the floor expand and rip apart. The stewardess and her seat were blown out a hole in the side wall of the fuselage as the explosion went its course. I followed her into the darkness and what I perceived as truly bitter cold. As she fell I stayed with her. She was unconscious when we plunged into the dark sea. As we stopped sinking in the sea I looked upward and could see a dimly lit calm sea surface. We floated back to the surface and when I left her she was unconscious, floating upright and buckled into her seat.
Three days after I had this dream an airline flight was reported missing on a flight over the Caspian Sea. There was one known survivor, a stewardess who was found floating unconscious in the Caspian Sea, buckled into her seat. Due to the apparent blast damage to her seat, a bomb explosion in the baggage compartment was suspected.
My third dream is one in which I was a participant. In the dream I had no control over my actions, I was just an observer of my actions. The dream goes like this: I am on a ship at sea. I decide to go out onto the bow deck. I open the bow deck hatch door and push it open. As I step through the hatchway, I see a couple standing at the bow railing along with two children. It is a beautiful sunny day and a calm sea. For some reason unknown to me I stop, and lean to my right into the outside ship bulkhead wall. Sliding backwards, I settle into a little nook formed by a right angle bend in the bulkhead wall where the hatch is located. As I let the canted hatch door close, I see a man behind the door leaning against the bulkhead wall. When he sees me he becomes very angry - looking, moves away from the bulkhead wall and faces me and makes violent flexing gestures with his upper body and arms. At this point, I received a message, not in the form of words but, in the form of thoughts. The message was essentially to give the situation no concern or energy. As I watch this man go through more violent flexing gestures, he suddenly bolts to his left and goes out of sight around the bulkhead wall bend. The dream ends there.
Two and a half months after I had this dream, my step sister came for a visit. I took her for a boat cruise to Catalina Island. As I opened the bow deck hatch door and stepped through the hatch, I realized that I had stepped into my dream. I was so taken by this that I stopped my forward motion and I leaned to the right into the bulkhead wall and slid backwards into a nook formed by the bulkhead wall. As the canted hatch door closed I saw a man leaning against the bulkhead wall. When he saw me he left his position and faced off against me. He began making violent flexing gestures with his upper body and arms. I had an urge to say "What is your problem?" and belt him. However, I recalled the dream's message to give the situation no energy. So, I just looked at him. He made a couple more violent flexing gestures and then bolted to his left and out of sight. I never saw him again.
Although I, and members of my family, and millions of other people have had dreams of the future that have come true, I do not believe that the future is rigidly determined. My own impression is that at any given moment there is a highly probable future, but that there is a spiritual entity inhabiting your body that has some say in that future. At this time I believe in a soft determinism. That is, I believe the history of the world has already been written. However, as we are now on stage playing our agreed - upon parts, the writers and actors are doing a bit of a rewrite.
If you want some short of rational to understand my point of view, imagine that the universe is full of another type of matter. This matter I will call spiritual matter. Just as regular matter has its manifestations in the form of molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles, spiritual matter has its analogs to molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles. Just as normally perceived matter has its classical mechanics and quantum mechanical description, analogously, so does spiritual matter. The main distinctions between spiritual and normal matter is in the scale size of the matter sub components and in propagation velocities of disturbances in the two systems. The fundamental sub components of spiritual matter being perhaps fifty orders of magnitude finer in size than that of normal matter and having propagation velocities of disturbances beyond 100 billion light years per second.
Now imagine a computer complex of spiritual matter. Let this computer complex be a cubic mile in volume. Consider an internal communication velocity of over one hundred billion light years per second. This computer complex can monitor an entire planet surface on an atomic level and in real time. Such a computer complex can predict a highly probable future for us if it is monitoring both normal matter and living spiritual matter on our planet.


As outlined in this issue, there are numerous reports in UFO literature of beams of light emitted from UFOs or devices held by their occupants which can exert a repulsive or attractive force upon irradiated objects. In this technical corner edition we will focus upon the physics of mixing single mode phase - locked plane polarized laser beams to achieve an attractive force upon irradiated objects. The physics of the phenomenon can be illustrated by studying the force of attraction between an object with a net charge and a nearby object which is electrically polarizable, as is shown in Figure 1.
The force on an induced dipole is F = grad ( P * E ), where P is the dipole moment and E is the electric field at the dipole location which is generated by an external charge source. Now P = x E, if E is not too large, where x is the electrical susceptibility of the substance under consideration. Therefore F = grad ( P * E ) = grad ( x E * E ) = x grad E2 = 2 x | E | | E | . If grad | E | is negative then the force on the dipole is toward the electric field source, that is, the force is attractive. For the example of Figure 1 we have:

F = 2 x | E | | E | = 2 x | ( q / 4** y2 ) j | ( 2 | ( q / 4** y2 ) | / 2y ) j = _ ( x | q |2 / 4*2*2 y5 ) j

This is an attractive force regardless of the sign ( polarity ) of the field source charge ( q ).
Two single mode phase - locked plane polarixed laser beams can be made to intersect each other and overlap onto each other on an electrically polarizable material surface to form a resultant interference pattern, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 is a cross - sectional blowup view of four of the light interference cells shown in Figure 2. In free space or in a non - absorptive or in a non - scattering medium, the net or average gradient of the electric field across the cell is zero. Therefore no net force is experienced by the medium. However, when an interference cell progresses ( propagates ) from a transparent medium into a highly absorptive or highly2 scattering medium there is produced a negative value for the gradient of the absolute value of the net electric field intensity of the interference cell as it propagates further into the absorptive or scattering medium. This gives a net force on the material surface region, which points back toward the average source of the laser beams. Careful examination of Figure 2 shows that there are four types of interference propagation cells and they are equally represented. According to symmetry arguments, the horizontal components ( x, y planes ) of the induced force cancel so that we need only calculate the time average force perpendicular to the surface ( z - axis ) for each of the propagation cells and average them.

Fnet = ( ( 1 / AT ) ( L / 4h ) ) * * * * ( F1z + F2z + F3z + F4z ) dx dy dz dt

F1z , F2z , F3z , F4z , are the z components of the instantaneous force per unit volume generated by each of the four types of interference cells, where for example:

F1z = 2 X | E1z (x,y,z,t) k | ( 2 | E1z (x,y,z,t) k | / 2z ) k

A is a dimensionless constant dependent on the incident angles of the laser beams and T is the period of the laser light. L is the width of overlapping phase locked laser beams and h is the maximum width of each interference cell. ^ z is the effective coherent light penetration depth which for metals when using visible light is less than 50 angstroms.
The type of propulsion device shown in Figure 4 is the type of non - action reaction 3 propulsion system needed for quiet hovering in the atmosphere and efficient propulsion in the vacuum of space. When non - action reaction propulsion systems of this and other types are used in conjunction with variable time flow technology, you may be able to cross the light barrier and visit the stars.